While we are connecting online and addressing challenges due to the pandemic, it's a good time to think about ways we can help each other out. I started offering special themed online 50 Fun Things sessions as a way to foster social connection, idea-sharing, joy and hope online. On April 14, I facilitated a special version of 50 Fun Things® to Lift Each Other Up.
This following list is compiled from participants in the Facebook Live. I kept the names of the people who contributed the ideas to give them credit. I also kept the wording how they shared it on the Facebook Live to provide a feel for what it was like to be in the Facebook Live session:
Sheri Bennefeld
Support local small business and share their offers with others.
Lisa Metwaly
I have a free PDF version of my book Kindness Travels Presents Penny Power at www.kindnesstravels.com and the book is being read in different languages too. Enjoy!
Paula Anderson Delesha
My friend Kate has a website with inspirational curated content (podcasts). I listened to my first one yesterday, which was relevant during this time. It's related to feelings during the pandemic. If interested, the site is http://spiritedsundays.com/
Lisa Metwaly
If you’d like to volunteer - check out www.neighborhoodofgood.statefarm.com Type in zip code and a whole list comes up.
Nancy Pflug
Nancy Pflug
If anybody has small kids and grandkids I know a Santa that reads everday on FB at 2:00 and he'll mention your kid's names. They love it!
Susan Murphy My dad is not on the internet so I print out funny cartoons and send them in my letters to give him a smile. Jill Fonaas Second Harvest Heartland has someone matching donations right now.
Lisa Metwaly Make a video of you reading a children’s book and send it to the kids in your life. Lisa Metwaly Donate food or money to a homeless shelter. Recruit friends to help. Nancy Pflug Text healthcare workers you know to see how they are doing... Lisa Metwaly Volunteer to help someone with yard work. Sheri Bennefeld It's my mom's birthday tomorrow. She lives out of state and loves to go out to eat. I ordered dinner to be delivered for her and my dad tomorrow. It will be a surprise for her. I think we're all getting a little tired of cooking - especially on your birthday. Jill Fonaas Tip your delivery people REALLY well! Lee Ann Erie Interview your grandparents and save the audio. Jeannette Grace How wonderful Lee Ann. It may help those who feel isolated to feel less alone. Lisa Metwaly
Put change in the vending machine. Lisa Metwaly Plant flowers near your mailbox Paula Anderson Delesha How about taking virtual cookie breaks?! I'll be doing that now Cookies are OK. BRB
Jeannette Grace
What about buying lotto scratch-offs and leaving them on people's windshields?
Lisa Metwaly
Go on a virtual museum tour with friends.
Jeannette Grace
Don't gossip (I stole this from the Internet).
Jeannette Grace
What about prayer? With them or for them.
Lisa Metwaly
Start a “pick up your old instrument” challenge with friends.
Sheri Bennefeld
Simple compliments. It's easy to get busy and just let the opportunity slip by.
Lisa Metwaly
I want to have a “free” sale and layout all the stuff I plan to give to goodwill. If someone would like to take it - it’d make me happy.
Susan Murphy
I love how much we have all learned to appreciate the smaller, heartfelt gestures.
Nancy Pflug
Somebody is placing painted rocks in the local park with inspirations written on them
Nancy Pflug
Since I cant see my grandkids, we've become penpals.
Jeannette Grace
I made shark hats that we wear when we FaceTime with our grandson and sing Baby Shark!
Lisa Metwaly
I love the sidewalk chalk idea!
Lisa Metwaly
Holding space for others to feel what they feel without trying to fix them. Just be there.
Susan Murphy
My father is in his late 80s and he is home alone 6 1/2 hours away. A friend of mine who does not even know him wrote a lovely letter to him and he was so touched.
Jeannette Grace
Last week we saw a parade of cars on the next block from from our house and everyone had one balloon floating out of their car window. Perhaps a birthday celebration?
Nancy Pflug
I've been sending handwritten cards and making actual phone calls
Lisa Metwaly
Thinking of doing a drive by drop off of sweet treats once it stops snowing.
Jeannette Grace
GRANT G Factor - give people permission to make mistakes (yourself too)
Jeannette Grace
What about challenging others to think and speak more positively when they are in a negative place?
Jill Fonaas
If you have young kids, I’m sure their older relatives would love to get drawings/artwork in the mail. (An aunt can dream...)
Lisa Metwaly
Whenever I can share something with others it helps lift me up too.
Dana Perusse Nyholm
A friend painted rocks and drops them off during her walks.
Susan Murphy
Monopoly and Uno are just two games you can find for free online and play each other remotely.
Lee Ann Erie
Start a virtual book club!
Lee Ann Erie
Create a virtual bingo group!
Lisa Metwaly
Share a workout video for seniors with your parents.
Dana Perusse Nyholm
Take a virtual tour together
Lee Ann Erie
Consider starting a "Hobby Business" around something you truly enjoy!
Susan Murphy
[Support local movie theaters. Some are selling popcorn and if you buy a gift certificate for future movies, the popcorn is free!] Saturdays at Highland Theater and I believe Riverview as well!
Dana Perusse Nyholm
Find online games and play http://playingcards.io/
Susan Murphy
Send someone a card for no reason which helps the post office as well when you buy stamps!
Jeannette Grace
I've been getting pictures of my friend's Chorkie (Chihuahua and Yorkie) puppy almost daily - it lifts me up!
Lee Ann Erie
While it's not FUN, there has been a disastrous drop in blood donations. DONATE BLOOD!
Lee Ann Erie Check in on your senior neighbors and single friends. Call them and see if they need anything or ask how you can support them at this time.
Jeannette Grace We found a beautiful tin of flowers and card at our front door step on Saturday from my husband's ex-wife and his daughter and their family! So lovely!! Lee Ann Erie Send the 50 Fun Things Enjoy the Small Things book to friends and family members you haven't seen in a while. Very fun little book that brings smiles and a lot of positive ideas for joyful living!
Jeannette Grace Yes! Send Teresa's book (disclosure: she did NOT ask me to make this endorsement).
Beth Schupanitz
I’m also giving out a free sample of purity coffee when people order supplements
Barbara Zuleger
[Through my Performance Partners site, I host a] Virtual coffee break Tuesday / Thursdays 9:00 am
Jeannette Grace
I’m giving my book away each week! [G Factor] Trying to spread joy and love. https://www.facebook.com/ExpressiveCCT/
Terri Eick Mattson
love that! great idea, i have a planner that would work as well, may copy your idea. thanks!
Beth Schupanitz
I’m sending out cards in the mail of encouragement to my clients
Dana Perusse Nyholm
virtual lunch dates
Barbara Zuleger
Text or message one thing we appreciate in someone. Simple without explanation
Terri Eick Mattson
Taking in person network meeting on line and offering additional zooms
Dana Perusse Nyholm
Reach out to several clients each day to check in
Lee Ann Erie
Increase your vulnerable sharing. It encourages others to feel as if they are not alone.
Terri Eick Mattson
Offering meal chain for a sick friend who is having a hard time keeping up with home responsibilities.
Paula Anderson Delesha
When you're at the grocery store for necessities, pick up some bright spring flowers too!
Barbara Zuleger
How about [sharing] favorite recipes so tired of my usual
Dana Perusse Nyholm
My daughter is in a group home which is on lockdown, every few days I bake something for the house and drop it off
Annie Perdue-Olson
Decorating my house differently every day -- this week it is balloons
Paula Anderson Delesha
How about positive affirmations each morning?
Lee Ann Erie
Simple question. ASK people what they need right now and how we can support them.
Susan Murphy
My niece started a book exchange between the readers in the family. They are books we already have and want to share. You receive one by mail and there is always a nice note from who sent it tucked inside.
Jeannette Grace Start small with calling people and asking how they are doing - then really listen
And here are some of my ideas to add to the mix:
Write online reviews (Google, Facebook, Yelp...) for your favorite local businesses
Hire artists, performers, speakers, trainers, comedians for future gigs with date TBD
Write LinkedIn recommendations for great colleagues
Buy from small businesses
Send a giftcard to make someone's day
Write a blog post that highlights someone you have learned from
Post online book recommendations for your favorite authors
Pre-order haircuts and other appointments to support the service professionals in your life
Follow people whose work interests you on social media (e.g. Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook Twitter).
Offer words of encouragement
Recommend positive uplifting story ideas to news media.
Contribute your skills to someone who can use them.
Nominate for an award or opportunity
Social media shout outs
Contribute needed supplies (e.g. personal protection equipment for heathcare workers, grocery store clerks, essential workers, volunteers)
Pay it forward (or FUNward for someone I’ll reach out and keep it random)
Share colleague's interesting articles, social media pages and posts
Ways you can help support 50 Fun Things® for connecting people to joy and each other to help us through these trying times:
If you would like to keep track of your favorite ideas on a 50 Fun Things® chart, you may download it here (just $5, print as many as you would like for your personal use).
Purchase the Enjoy the Small Things books or other 50 Fun Things® tools from 50FunThings.com/shop. These make great gifts.
Sponsor a 50 Fun Things Happier Hour
Some people have asked how they can contribute financially to the efforts of 50 Fun Things, you may use Venmo to @Teresa-Thomas-36 or Paypal to teresa@teresa-thomas.com.
Check out this blog post for 45 additional ways you can lift up 50 Fun Things.
Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me to ask for support in this mission of fostering connection to joy and fulfillment.
If you would like to see the original Facebook Live for this session on ways to lift each other up, click here. The next special-themed session will be on Wednesday, April 29. The theme will be 50 Fun Things to Do For Your Business in collaboration with OffiCenters and WIN (Women in Networking). It's free and open to everyone regardless of gender. We'll be brainstorming ways we can support our careers or businesses we work for during this time where many of us are sheltering at home. This one will be on Zoom and you can RSVP here: https://wincoffee.eventbrite.com
Thank you, take good care and enjoy the small things in life,
Teresa Thomas