Written by 50 Fun Things Alumna, Ann Aubitz
Recently a woman came up to me at an event and in a loud voice said: “Oh wow, you are actually in town, you’re never here!” For a moment I felt a twinge of guilt until I remembered that my traveling is very intentional for me.
A year ago, April 29th, 2018 to be exact, I took the “50 Fun Things” class. Teresa (the founder of 50 Fun Things) kindly suggested it. I was in a funk and she knew it. My oldest brother passed away in September and my dog had died just days before the class. Needless-to-say I needed a distraction.

Our family travels a ton anyway but my goal was on a smaller scale (my family tends to favor big trips). On my happiness line, I put that I wanted to travel once a month. Not to Europe or anything (although that would be lovely), but to places in the United States, or to stay in the Midwest, or to Darwin, Minnesota to see the largest ball of twine (I still look forward to checking that one off my list).
Lo and behold, I set that intention and travel once a month I have and not just in the Midwest. We (my husband, daughter, and I) just completed what I like to call our “crazy A” trip. We went from Universal in Florida, to Salt Lake City, to Las Vegas. AND it was a blast!
The rule is if we go to a city we have been before we have to do something new. So in Vegas, we visited the pinball museum, an ice bar, and the aquarium at Mandalay Bay. All the things we have not done before.
Without “50 Fun Things” and Teresa (of course) I wouldn’t have had the encouragement to try something new. To have it be intentional and to make it be FUN. Here are some of the places I have visited in the last year.
Fargo, ND
Red River Zoo Grand Island, NE
State Fair Las Vegas, NV
Ice Bar Orlando, Florida
Universal Atlanta, Georgia
With family New Orleans LA – Aquarium at Christmas
Thank you, Teresa and 50 Fun Things, for a “FUN” year that just keeps getting better!